My job, my main job in my life is being happy right now and as a part of that I took a physical job a while back, this is a job that may not seem so pretty to others and part of me is really afraid of sharing about it. The people and experiences I have are often times so surprising to me yet I use them to uplift myself at the same time. I experience many behaviors of humans I didn't even know existed up until now. I've seen a whole new side of humanity at this job and although it does bring in extra income, I choose to look at it as a choice to be there and as a service to others. By service to others I mean and one example of this is setting intentions, one intention I set is to make each customer smile before they walk away and I usually attain that goal. People come in from all wakes of life, famous, homeless and anywhere in between. Yes thats my meter famous on one end and homeless on the other, it seems to fit for now:) I work in a heavy customer service position, I'm not going to say where but I look at it as all a part of my journey, my art and my expression. As I create my life in a bigger way my sharing this is a part of my learning how to find the perfection and beauty in the lessons from this job so I can look at it as a blessing instead of seeing it or myself as being less than because I may not be exactly where I want to in life yet. I choose in every moment to find the greater blessing in each person, situation and experience I have. Today I am grateful to be as creative as I am for it's amazing being able to look at everything as a perfect expression of me and my art and not as something that doesn't look the way it should. So in essence I will leave you with this story of one of my interactions;
A very famous actor and his girlfriend came in, I won't say who but he is the lead in a super hero film franchise and his girlfriend an actress. As they came up to me I asked them how they were, they replied fine and asked how I was, for some reason I blurted out, "just failing my way to the top one dead end job at time." They looked at me and said nothing not even a blink, let alone a laugh. I stared at them uncomfortably and said, "just kidding I love my job." Still nothing, "tough crowd I replied." A screaming customer then ran up them telling them they were a fan. When the customer left I quietly asked them, "do you get embarrassed when that happens?" they replied yes actually I do. I smiled and said okay and finished the transaction and they left.
Mark Twain said,
Fame is a vapor; popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion.
- Mark Twain's Notebook
Alright I pulled that quote off the internet pretty fast and I often do feel insecure about fame and popularity, just today I was feeling immense jealousy thinking about all the people that are leading exciting lives, or their lives seem more thrilling than mine. The thing is I'm learning to accept my life just the way it is and myself and utilize my unique expression. In that process of acceptance I am learning that all the insecurities and doubts I have are all perfect and a part of my experience and learning on this planet and that helps me stay inspired.
Love and Light,