Is there an angelic infusion taking place inside of us?
Can we be the angels to everyone we see and see the angel in everyone we meet?
I didn’t grow up with this viewpoint. I never grew up thinking about angels. Fairy’s yes, they were okay but Angels....Angels were something not to be spoken of. Angels were hokey and too religious so I avoided any talk of angels at all costs. Then one day, someone pointed out to me that I had an angelic presence.
Wait what? me? But in that moment it was one of the most beautiful and profound things anyone had ever told me because I saw the truth in it.
All those years of brushing off Angels as some heavenly hoax made me question the way I viewed things. Were the angels from my past a reflection of the way I viewed myself until then, a hoax? Seems like it, my views of myself had not been too good up until then maybe those views were the true hoax. Can one moment of love and praise change our minds and our hearts? For me it did, I’ve been lucky enough to see both sides, and how one moment of love can over power what sometimes can feel like a lifetime of the opposite.
This is a photo shoot I did with the effervescent and angelic Patricia. As we brought the light to downtown LA and set our intentions we let go and started creating. The harsh broken rocks and walls, pillars and metal against a soft angelic silhouette really expressed for me the feeling of what it is like for the light to pour in to areas that need it the most. This takes place not just outside of us but experientially it happens within us too. As we experience this energy in more powerful ways it pulls us into seeing who we truly are and in return reflects to us the qualities we couldn't see that are beyond this world. Then we can embrace those parts of us as they are reflected back in our creations and break past the barriers of who we thought we were and what we thought we wanted.
with love and light,
( If your interested in buying any photographs or having a Photo shoot done feel free to contact me or just respond to this email. )