I thought I would continue with my, Out in the world of COVID sharing so here it is:
The air is thick with the shifting of world consciousness in such a deep and unique way and being in that as a sensitive empathic being is both enriching and unknown territory and yes it effects me, I get scared, I just don't have time to feed into the fear as I need to be present with people so I make it okay really quick. A few have shared with me of loved ones in the world that have COVID and many have spoken to me about the shock of such a quick shift which you can feel in everyone, like a collected space out but as I help people I often think maybe that was there before and we are all just awakening to it within ourselves and learning how to listen to ourselves and in return to each other in deeper ways. The amazing thing is people are still laughing, some spill out there fears and some are in quiet fear and trepidation. My process around it seems to be a lot about existing and knowing I exist which has always been a lesson of mine personally.
Top item bought after a GOV lockdown; CHOCOLATE!!! So if you've found yourself buying 25 bars and eating five the next day DON'T WORRY, it's a normal side effect apparently. All natural HU bars were the top choice! (this is not an ad) they are delicious.
Top replacement of the hand shake: the air elbow.
Top idea: buy a fishing rod and fly to the Bahamas for $19.00.
Favorite comfort drink: Echinacea tea, raw local honey a few drops of liquid turmeric and vitamin d.
The most dismal view of the world award goes too; dun dun dun. The economic strategist (or so she said) buying celery root powder. When I asked how she was, she replied, ohh you know I'm fine it's just an economic shutdown followed by a recession followed by the next depression. My response, well at least there's celery root right?!
Best Outfit: Face mask, latex gloves and some good ole' California flip flops.... Apparently they haven't invented the latex foot glove yet.
Healthiest person award: A man around 65ish who felt like the healthiest person ever, he was beaming. I mentioned how healthy he looked to him and asked his secret. He replied I take and do the things that feel good to my body. I do what works for me and Iām not worried about Covid if I get it I get it so radiating health is a state of mind.
Someone came up to me and asked me my opinion on it and I said well, it's like the universe said, now everyone go home and think about what you've done and learn to communicate! except for me, I'm here.
Then they asked how I keep smiling and all that came out was, because I'm here and this is where I am.
with love and light,