I walked a labyrinth with my cello today. I set an intention and walked. I asked for the clearing of negativity in my life and for clarity on my next steps. I kept walking and I felt a bit clearer like my life was unwinding around me. I started to see the perfection in it all and as I got closer to the center I began to question why I often feel so frightened to share myself with the world. One reason because I judge myself and my life for not looking the way I think it should yet. But the truth is all I can do is keep going and doing and let go of the things I think I want because maybe the universe has something better for me. Also if I let go of what I want, trust and be grateful for what I have then I can make space for greater abundance in my life however that will look. The lesson I learned today was about self-worth and that it's not about what others think or do but being true to myself in my unique expression in every moment, whether through music or art, humor or just a smile. Thought I would share..:)have a wonderful day.
Photography by me