Doing Consistent Spiritual Work / Stories of Success

Hello and happy holidays 🫶 beloved loved one, friends, and clients!

What is the point of doing consistent spiritual work?

I get asked this a lot, to me my spiritual work is a consistent moment to moment practice I’ve devoted my life to for the past decade. It’s second nature to work through my patterns. It takes consistent work to break up patterns, but what does it bring you in the end if you keep doing it?

Breaking up patterns consistently and truly opens you up to creating in your life a vortex of grace where your life and dreams become spiritualized, where you thought you were incapable your dreams they flow more and more freely.

Sometimes you aren’t ready for everything to go and be healed all at once and it takes steps to get there.

Below I’ll give you an example of someone I’ve worked with multiple times that consistently shows up for her self and how her life has become an abundant blessings fest!!

The photo at the bottom is photo and link to a video clip of a portrait reading I did with Amelia and her toddler Teddy. Amelia had been trying for a while and was having trouble believing it was possible to get pregnant as it was "later" in her life. So we did a portrait reading during the process of manifesting her first child. We worked with some long term manifestation methods and a portrait. After she gave birth to her first child we did a second portrait in a live session with her toddler.

In the portrait what came forward was that there was another soul coming in. I was even surprised, more souls after trouble with the first!!🌟 but it felt powerful and as though it was already there.

In the portrait there is a star with two circles at the bottom, I saw the circles as representing the soul coming in but there are clearly two!

Now Amelia is pregnant again with twins!

The portrait revealed her son preparing, in alignment, and excited about more souls coming in.

I love sharing this story because I have worked with quite a few women now that have worked through patterns and karma around childbirth and truly it is a representation of how working on something consistently within you, breaking free of the limitations you hold in your consciousness and with your personal karma, can make you flow free with consistent miracles, and isn’t that something to go for!!


"It was an absolutely intriguing and sacred process each time I got a portrait, and so cool to watch Liz work and see what was revealed, before, during and after, and observing each time what came forward as a result."

-Amelia, Colorado

Being there for each other in invisible ways


These are flowers a customer gave me on my birthday a few days ago. Two people walked up to me towards the end of the day and were carrying a giant bouquet of flowers. They told me their grandma died last year and today was her birthday, and that they we’re having a little birthday celebration for her first birthday since she passed. I told them it was my birthday too. Suddenly as I was speaking with them I connected inward and this wave of love and adoration for these people came over me and I said, I can really feel how much she loved and adored you and it really touches my heart. The woman teared up and said, there are no mistakes I didn’t want to come here all day till this moment and now I’m standing in front of you and it’s your birthday too. They left and 10 min later came back with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers and handed them to me.💗💜💗💜. . After I work, I get home shoes off at door, clothes in designated spot, epsom soak clear, mental, spiritual, physical, emotional All of these are a few ways I stay calm and clear during this strange time next too all the supplements and precautions. I don’t have time to take the best photos so this is what you get..💜💜 . Favorite comfort idea: essential oils, tune inward, ask your spiritual self to connect to a scent that will bring you into greater alignment, put in spray bottle with water, spray around you with love💗 . Someone called in flipping out about Corona Virus the other day. This fear washed through me during and after the call and I couldn’t stay present. Then a question popped into my mind, is this fear mine or did I take it on for someone else? In this current climate where everything is changing moment to moment it seems like theres an opportunity to expand into our greater spiritual nature in every moment too. As we become more sensitive to ourselves and others we can be there for each other in ways that we cannot always see. We can take things on and hold for complete strangers and for energies on the planet wherever we are. One way I deal is breathing deeply and being grateful for every breath no matter what I’m doing in that moment. Then I can follow my breath into greater love and expand instead of retract. Its important to remember that it’s okay to love ourselves right now and why not as we don’t know what each moment will carry. If I take the time to love me I can in return be of greater service to others. . So I take my supplements, smile, breathe, tune inward sip on my juices, stand in my strength expand into love and do it all over again. . .

Love, -Liz

Letter #4, The Healing Of Memories

"Letters Home" Letter # 4, The Healing of Memories

OMG I did not want to share this next one, I kept avoiding it as so many shifts have happened from the inside out. My whole view of what home means to me has kind of transmuted into the fact that it had nothing to do with the home I grew up in but the image I had of my house and the people that was reflected back to me and it wasn't always pretty. I've been looking at places within me that have not been easy to look at and it has caused me to see some of my addictive behaviors and start to see the depth and power of what taking responsibility for oneself really means and it is transformational. As I've done that and looked at the moments where I felt like I failed, I've found there was always a moment of pain as I took responsibility for it no matter how hurtful I thought anyone else involved in it was and it began to shift everything. Then I found this great quote as I was listening to a seminar.

"That transitory dismay that you go through when you admit the truth of something to yourself is the temporary passing discomfort that you can see how selfish you are in a relationship, you can see how self-interested you are, you can see how indifferent you are, you can see how unloving you are in some areas so it becomes somewhat painful, the pathway of inner searching can become painful.

There are saints that say how they went from elated states to states of despair, ohh my beloved how could you have deserted me. States of great anguish see, and don’t worry about the states of great anguish, just surrender the anguish itself to God and constantly surrender all of it, don’t resist the anguish if it should come up because if your serious it will very likely come up again." 

- The Ultimate David Hawkins Library, audio segment.

      More about my coaching

Here's a testimonial from a recent client.

"One of the key things I’ve taken from working with Liz  is my involvement in ego, control, manipulation and taking responsibility of any and all of it within me and letting that go. She helped me gain my strength, confidence and power in myself and see from a higher perspective. She completely understood my language and how to speak to me, no matter how abstract, I felt completely safe and held." 

- MK, Austin Texas

Letter # 4, The Healing of Memories

8" X 10" String and Acrylic on Canvas.

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Dear Home,

As I lift into greater attunement
Everything seems messier like my room when I was a teenager
My mom would come in and ask me to clean it but there was something painful in the exchange that made me freeze
And wonder why I hadn't in the first place
 I wondered what the point was
 So what is the point of having a clean room
And who's fault is it anyway that it's messy
Was it because you didn't teach me how to clean it
Or did I create the situation before I came into this world
And this moment is my awareness of myself becoming aware of myself in something I created perfectly?
Or was I aware then?
Am I aware now?
My point is, it's still not clean in my consciousness and I'm still confused at your part in that
So I pull in Spirit and say be with me as I clean my room inside myself
Help me heal

And Spirit comes into my room as it was then and holds me and tells me
I'm beautiful anyway
And at first I don't know what it's talking about

But then I surrender and begin to see
And there's a flash of deep embarrassment so intense
And chaos gives birth to love

And everything in that memory dissolves and my life around me shifts now 
And I realize then and now is one
And I use my memories to bring me closer to my dreams.

I love you,

Letter #3, Acceptance

"Letters Home" Letter # 3, Acceptance

WOW this one took me a long time to complete. I was feeling a lot of resistance to putting it out and nothing I had to say felt quite right. I felt completely insecure about the art itself but I embraced that feeling and kept going.
During this time I had a dream
In it two of my friends turned to me and said,
Celebrate the pain. Throw a party for it!

I started to imagine what a party would be like where everyone came as their deepest pain and struggle, boredom, anger, sadness and unworthiness would all be there. Just imagine them dancing together, it created a pretty funny image and it helped me to be patient with my own process.

So I welcome you to email me, message me, share your experience or pain with me, how it shows up, what it looks like.
Maybe we can find a way to bow down and thank it for the blessings it could be bringing you.

More about my coaching

Letter # 3,

10” X 8”, mixed media on canvas.

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Dear Home,

In my house every memory is me
Every room is a piece of my body
In my house every dog has a memory
of me 
If I could look at my house through the eyes of everyone else 
they would all be you 
Bear would have endless love and appreciation
Honey would sit peacefully 
Dad would not understand how to communicate with me
Mom would be blinded a lot by her own struggles
The couch would look away
The birds would curiously look through the windows
The window panes would beckon me to climb through them
Every crack in the wall would be gossiping to itself about the people it's seen 
Every mirror would wait to reflect back ones insecurities 
and tell them sly little things
The backyard would be a casting ground for play 
And the sun would send messages through it's heat 
And I would know I was only love 
And this universe around me was made up of  just one big question
Can you accept and love it all?
And I scream through my resistance Yes
And it's gone
One moment 
One question 
Swept away 
An entire lifetime, 

  The power of acceptance.

I love you


Letters Home, Letter #2

Continuing my "Letters Home" series. I find the healing taking place inside is palpable, intimate, loving and gentle. Creating through intention while making art, doing Spiritual coaching and putting out what I do doesn't always feel easy.
But it's really about creating something that's unique to my heart.
I think we all have something like that
which is really our energy beyond who we think we might be.
Our process of unfoldment into the understanding of our greater selves can be the best part.

Also please reach out to me if you'd like to schedule a complimentary clarity session.
There are ways to process through anything you may be going through while using it all to lift into greater freedom. I would love to support you in opening to the unique opportunities of your Soul.

More about my coaching

Letter # 2,

10" X 8" mixed media on canvas.

To purchase click link here,
Purchase painting


Dear Home,

As I remember you again
You become real
Whisk away the karma that is left
A non Spiritual life I left behind
But ohhh so real
A teenager with burgundy hair
A hair net, a zig zag skirt
I hated my legs
This one is not as good as the others
Standing in the grass I felt so large
The blades were so tall
Who is that?
Everyone thought I was rich
But you always spoke of how you never had money
My shame
You think I have money
Well I don't
I have shame
That's my currency
How much shame will it cost me to buy a house
Or a car?
How much shame dollars do I have to pay?
Then I met someone and their currency was love
But I had shame and we needed a currency exchange place quick
And the exchange rate was high
100% was the only rate you'd give me on the shame
And in return you'd hand me over all your love
And you took my hand in yours and it carried in it the story of a good life where everything was okay
And I realized the stories I made up against myself
Because I thought I wasn’t worthy of love
But there wasn't an exhange place that would take that currency anymore
And so I thought
Lets walk a little further
Until we get home
And what is home anyway
Perhaps it's that place we thought we left when we got here.

I love you,


Letters Home

Hi Everyone,

This is a series called, "Letters Home." For a little while I will put up a painting and a letter to my old home/old life with the intention of healing within myself any grief or underlying sadness as I watch my family get older go through various near death illness's and become more frail knowing as time goes by the things I used to identify them with will become no more. The intention is also to watch and ride the waves of sadness and use them as a guide that lifts me into greater freedom, intuitive knowing and acceptance of myself, knowing and trusting it is all a part of my perfect path laid out for me. The healing that has come forward already has been profound in just the doing of it.

Each painting is for sale, the suggested price of the first one is $180.00 Each will come with a letter home. If you feel as though the painting is yours let me know.

This first one is mixed media, made of paint, thread and one of the cello pieces I learned growing up, Concerto in C Minor for cello by J.C. Bach. it is 10" X 8" mixed media on canvas.

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Letter #1

Dear Home,

I’ve had so many jobs and so many painful life experiences
Sometimes I wish I could just come home
But there’s no more home it’s gone
I remember practicing cello with dad in the living room
Him analyzing and criticizing my practicing
And it was difficult but now I see he was just excited
I miss the fig trees and playing on them, the way they smelled
Their textures, stepping on the sticky ones that had fallen to the ground
Their goo all over our shoes
A miniature orchard
I will miss playing in the trees
Eleven of them at first
Green and purple figs
Such a rare fruit to have
Then some stopped making fruit
The trees got sick
And we uprooted a few
Less to play on
But I know now all the lessons
And every person
Every tree
Was all just an energy in Gods heart
And dad is just a player in my soul
An energy field that I choose to help me see the loving in myself.
And as I grieve I also set intentions to heal that past life.

I love you,


Also if you feel called please schedule a complimentary clarity session with me.

There are ways to process through anything you may be going through that are unique to your soul and can help you lift into greater freedom and I would love to support you in opening up to them.

Creative Soul-lutions

Angelic Reflections



  Is there an angelic infusion taking place inside of us?
Can we be the angels to everyone we see and see the angel in everyone we meet?
I didn’t grow up with this viewpoint. I never grew up thinking about angels. Fairy’s yes, they were okay but Angels....Angels were something not to be spoken of. Angels were hokey and too religious so I avoided any talk of angels at all costs. Then one day, someone pointed out to me that I had an angelic presence. 
Wait what? me? But in that moment it was one of the most beautiful and profound things anyone had ever told me because I saw the truth in it.
All those years of brushing off Angels as some heavenly hoax made me question the way I viewed things. Were the angels from my past a reflection of the way I viewed myself until then, a hoax? Seems like it, my views of myself had not been too good up until then maybe those views were the true hoax. Can one moment of love and praise change our minds and our hearts? For me it did, I’ve been lucky enough to see both sides, and how one moment of love can over power what sometimes can feel like a lifetime of the opposite. 

This is a photo shoot I did with the effervescent and angelic Patricia. As we brought the light to downtown LA and set our intentions we let go and started creating. The harsh broken rocks and walls, pillars and metal against a soft angelic silhouette really expressed for me the feeling of what it is like for the light to pour in to areas that need it the most. This takes place not just outside of us but experientially it happens within us too. As we experience this energy in more powerful ways it pulls us into seeing who we truly are and in return reflects to us the qualities we couldn't see that are beyond this world. Then we can embrace those parts of us as they are reflected back in our creations and break past the barriers of who we thought we were and what we thought we wanted.

with love and light, 



( If your interested in buying any photographs or having a Photo shoot done feel free to contact me or just respond to this email. )

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Tapping Into A Greater Presence With Art

“I received Liz’s art in perfect sequence as I lifted into greater atunement with myself. It was in the perfect timing and it was as though the painting was made for me, a perfect reflection of my spiritual path and somehow deeply connected to it all. She has a truly healing presence and I experience those qualities deepen in me every time I look at my painting.”

-Maria Whinter, Singer, Sweden

New art for sale

"Angels and Anchors" 2018, 4' X 3' Mixed media on canvas.   (This piece is for sale, for inquiries and price please contact me or reply to this email.)

"Angels and Anchors" 2018, 4' X 3' Mixed media on canvas.

(This piece is for sale, for inquiries and price please contact me or reply to this email.)

A client of mine stood in front of this painting and as they looked at it said that they started to feel a sensation through their spine and pointed to the place in the painting where she felt it resonating in her body. She described it as a healing energy traveling through her shoulder down her spine. I wasn't expecting her to say that.

As I'm making the art in whatever form I'm creating, I going through my own inner process and I don't think about that kind of thing usually but a part of me always feels healed myself afterward, clearer, happier and freer. And when I look back sometimes I wonder how I actually made something like that as if something else was working through me while doing it. 

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~ Pablo Picasso

“Art is a wound turned into light.”
~ Georges Braque

With Love, 


Below are prints of two paintings they are on sale for $100.00 each. 
1) 11 X14"  Love Made Manifest
2) 8X10" J-R Transcending"

(The original paintings are available too)


Surrendering To The Divine

Sometimes the situations that are the least pleasant show us who we aren't and what shines through is the truth of who we are. 

My trip was so transformational, I broke open in ways I wasn't expecting, I went to some of the most historically prolific places in the world, some of the most holiest places on earth. I took transformational workshops and expanded into greater love in such powerful way.

Then I got back and my whole life fell apart along over the place. I felt like I was being turned inside out and my guts were on display for everyone to see.  Within 3 days, I found out I had to move, There was fraud on my account and it was emptied, some of my friendships seemed over. It felt like the twilight zone, it was unbearable and yet at the same time the shift felt Spiritual because I had a greater knowing of my self worth and the truth of who I am. I mean after all I prayed for change maybe this was it even though it did not look that way.

So here I am my ego my thoughts my views of what life could be changing drastically again fit and prove that I am so worthy of my dreams, and as I work on actually believing that in every moment here is a poem that helped me get through it and some sketches from my 9X11” sketchbook I made during my travels
with love and gratitude,

“My Ego Dying In Your Arms”
by Liz Bagish

I thought this life was mine
My thinking was so blind
As you were doing it all the time
To help me surrender into the divine

My thoughts my will my prayers
I thought that you weren’t there
My ego couldn’t share
So you had to strip my life completely bare

When everything that’s left
Is only in your breath
You breathe a little more
And wait to see what’s there when you open that new door

It wasn’t what you thought
The lord was bringing what it brought
The shift that set sail
As my big ego took its last exhale 
That shift that ohh so burns
Is my ego dying in your arms
And although it happened quick
I know my gentle heart will fly freer with each tick.

Travel Sketchbook.




Walking through the Wieliczka Salt Mine


On the way to Auschwitz


Somewhere over Greenland


The Beach Geneva


On the way to Israel


Israel, Farm in
Mount Tabor


Stockholm, Sweden


London, England

Back To The Salt

So traveling around has been one of the most magnificent and wonderful times of my life. I have not in a long time been so happy and excited to be in new places and experience the magic of each place. Just to be vulnerable here this trip is the first thing in a long time to work out in my life. I’m so embarrassed sharing that but it’s the truth. I have not in a long time tried to manifest something in my life that actually worked out in such a glorious way and it was all just from a grain of a thought and dream and although maybe I didn’t get it exactly the way I wanted I got something even better. The ability to surrender in even greater ways to what is. Even now within myself I feel myself fighting that thought saying my head thinking but how can that be better??!! Maybe I’m still learning to love that part of me and I’m going to make that okay. I’ve loved traveling so much and I feel so inspired by so much love and support from the universe to keep going!!!!! I would like to stay longer in Europe. So I will continue to sell my art and prints and share along the way what I’ve made in order to manifest and create my dreams in an even bigger way. Everything is still for sale as I learn to keep going, keep growing and share myself in greater and greater ways. So here’s some of my writing and photography I’ve put together from this trip.

    These are some photos I took on my travels. This particular list is all a set of images taken at The Dead Sea.  The abstract image is of the moon. To me these represent a time in my life where I am going back to the salt. In my abstract way of thinking to me that means re-inventing who I am, re-building and deconstructing all the things I thought I was once again. And as those things go back to the salt they are cleansed and cleared and I become created anew. Where I used to reject myself where I used to banish myself I learn that there is no myself but a moment in time being recreated with every thought and the power of keeping those thoughts positive. All my thoughts become the salt and all thoughts are born if it. It becomes a sacred alchemy of healing and love and light that works through me but is not of me. It becomes me washing away my old self and making room for Spirit to do the work. I just become a chanel of love and light and the salt is the inspiration etc.. etc... and so on and so forth.

I would love love to hear from you, THANK YOU ALL and take care!!!!

lots of love,



Genealogical Healing at Auschwitz

Video at bottom (click on suitcase photo) … All photos by me.

As we drove the van up to Auschwitz I was surprised at how beautiful it was. Gorgeous large plush green trees lined the small highway we were on and I couldn’t imagine a drive so beautiful leading to such a horrific fate, not to mention the intensity of someone making people believe they might be going somewhere beautiful. The bus driver put on a forty five minute video showing us the deep torture that these Jews went through a video that was not apologetic in sharing photos of twisted mangled sick people that had been left to their fate in this place. As I tried to keep my eyes on the road we finally arrived. It seemed so beautiful like small army barracks built for commanders and captains of army’s not prisoners. I couldn’t believe at first they enslaved them there as it seemed so beautiful and so small too. As I walked around and into the brick buildings lined with those same beautiful tall trees we drove by on the way there I found myself staring into torture rooms. Everyroom seemed to signify a different type of torture. As the tour guide told us the idea of a Concentration camp was to have the prisoners concentrate on dying in a multitude of ways which I never knew exactly the meaning until then.


Just a few days ago I had been sitting on my bed underneath my own tree outside my window wondering where I was going to go as my whole trip and life had seemed to be falling apart. I decided to wait for an answer purely from inside and from Spirit on what to do. In my meditation the answer came and was this; go to Poland where my father had recently told me a lot of his Jewish ancestors died and set intentions to clear and heal any genealogical patterns that were instilled in my gene pool around the beliefs my ancestral lineage had acquired by experiencing this event. So to explain what these beliefs would look like, they are invisible ideas about life someone instills within them self when going through a challenging event. Those beliefs create a ripple in the gene pool for all that come from that lineage to believe the same thing unknowingly about themselves too. Some made up example ideas would be, I just saw someone die God doesn’t exist or someone just took away all my belongings I will never be able to keep anything or life is too scary to live etc...


Hard to believe I had asked myself that question about what beliefs may have been instilled in my ancestral lineage just a few months prior not having any idea I would actually be going here.

I didn’t tell many people at first what I was doing as I thought they would not understand how this could be a part of my dream trip and I judged it as dark, but all I wanted to do was heal my beliefs around abundance and lack and self worth, the things that seemed to be instilled in me since I was little and also honor those ancestors that died in some way. 


As I walked around Auschwitz the awareness that came was that perhaps my ancestors were the ones pulling me there in the first place and in that moment I was the one that felt honored.  


A lot of thoughts ran through my head as I walked through this place mainly the idea of sacrifice, lessons of the planet earth and the lessons of particular populations as a whole and what the higher more spiritual lesson was in all of this and what I could learn from it as I walk through this life.


I didn’t have much time as the tour was fast. I brought my art supplies ran into an open field just outside of the camp and recorded myself doing a genealogical healing prayer and painting as a modes to heal in a deeper way those painful beliefs left over in my gene pool.

I can say all of Poland was an incredible experience and there is more to share but I wanted to share this video first and the profound blessing it has brought me to have been able not only follow my intuition completely but follow Spirit in such a profound way to be able to do this. More to come. Here is the Video…..







Help Support Me in Living My Dreams Blog Post 2 (update)

Hi Everyone,

So I wanted to send a follow up with what I’ve created so far and what I'm going through in manifesting this dream of going to Europe in September. If you do not know what this is, please refer to the first blog post below. 

So far a lot of you have bought my art, some have donated and I've received a lot of words of encouragement and love.

I have received about $750.00 of the $5000.00 I asked for so far for my dream to go to Europe and Rome in September.  As I looked at the balance the other night and realized it was already getting into August and how fast time was flying by I broke down and things got messy. I went into my doubt, fears, tears, upset and ego and completely gave up for a moment. I thought what is it I really want out of this and shouldn’t I be doing something greater for humanity? 

So as I began to give up, I sat down with a quesadilla and giant piece of pumpkin pie thinking it would soothe me and instead I started day dreaming and comparing myself to all the others that are living their dreams all the others that get it "sooo easily.”  Then I thought, no!!! I’m not going there, I AM WORTHY.  Then I thought I have to share this experience and be honest in my process even though I may not know why yet because that is a service in itself. The thing is I’m learning to trust Spirit and myself more and more and not give up. In this I can believe and use everything to lift myself and heal myself no matter what is going on around me and in the process be of service to others by sharing my experience. 

I know this experience will and already has given me the gift of strengthening my believing in myself just by the mere fact I I’m keeping going. I also know I am healing something within me by pursuing this and cannot wait to let you know what manifests.

So I’m not giving up yet. I’m going to keep believing and trusting that something so beautiful is being created.

I'm in so much gratitude for all your support as one believing and living their dreams is all of us as one believing. 

Some of what I’ve also been creating is a website so I thought I would share with you that as it’s in its production process.


Here is the menu again for buying art, donating.


Selling Art


Spiritual coaching 




Photography and portraits


If you feel called you can also just donate via these links.









Also Please enjoy the video below of actual footage of me going for my dreams and the process of that.


I would love to hear from any of you and will keep you updated on what comes forward.


In gratitude and love,



Help Support Me in Living My Dreams

Hi Everyone,


 I'm really excited to connect with all of you.  So much has happened in the past few years, I received my bachelors degree finished my first year of USM a school for Spiritual Psychology, and completed a Masters in Spiritual Science!!!


As a completion to my years of study I wanted to not only reach out by starting this list but also ask for your support in creating the abundance to do something that is close to my heart. 


I went inside recently and asked myself if I could have one dream that day what would it be? The dream that came forward was to take a trip to Europe this September. In that moment I began to judge myself harshly, I doubted and thought but I need to focus on bigger things like manifesting greater abundance doing the things I love. After I practiced forgiveness, I realized that this smaller dream was a part of manifesting my bigger one. 


So what I'm asking for support in is raising the money for this trip to Europe this September. I have a goal of raising $5000.00 for my trip. This includes air fare and sleeping arrangements. The core of this trip is traveling to Rome with a group of people that are service oriented through a community that I am a part of. I wish to meet up with them and then travel around a bit on my own to visit some friends and spiritual family.


This trip to me represents manifesting my dreams and showing myself I can and already am living a fulfilling, fun and enriching life doing what I love as these past years up until now have not been easy for me to believe that until now.


So the way I am raising  money for this is by offering all the services that I have been working on and can do and in return I'm putting myself out there in a bigger way and supporting my bigger dream as well. So you see this smaller dream becomes a manifestation of the bigger one. 


I've believed for so long life was about struggle and hardship and asking for help and support is taking a lot of courage but I know it also is helping me clear the way to keep going for what I want in life. Now I'm ready to step into my dreams and let go of those limiting beliefs. 


The services I am offering are as follows.


Selling my artwork, here is a link to looking at my paintings that I am selling. If you scroll over the art you can see the medium used, name and size of each piece. If you want a print of any of the photography or choice of 3 prints together (they look good that way) just message me and I will send you prices and how to pay. The photography can be 4X4" 8X8" or sizes the can vary on request.


Just go too,


I can also do commissions upon request, photoshoots and abstract portraits.


Another way I can be of service is through Spiritual coaching, I will do this on a donation basis as a service. Over the years I've been developing a spiritual coaching practice. where I help people open up to their hearts in greater ways and help them heal and clear their own spiritual blocks. This involves a variety of techniques using methods of helping each individual to clear and heal themselves so they can step into greater attunement with their gifts and path.


Another way is through my creative writing and poetry. If you would like a personally created creative writing peace either a story a poem I will create one just for you and you can donate what you would like towards it. 


If you feel called you can also just donate via these links.










Although my time is limited and I only have about a month to manifest this in time I believe I can do this. Your support love and light are appreciated and I am grateful for all of you as I develop and manifest my dreams so I can be of greater service to the world.


With loving,



The Sound Of Listening.


These little hands

Strangers hands

Tightly gripping napkin.

These little hands covered with skin 

falling over them like a blanket of time.

These veiny things that bleed the stories of man so gently,

Pumping in and out a lifetime of love and pain, happiness and sorrow.

Disguised as flesh they hold thy bounty,

These fleshy things,

They mean nothing and everything,

Because they do bring you to me.

They’ve carried the weight of man for a long time and in every wrinkle between those folds hold the answers I’ve been looking for.

These are Gods hands and in them I feel you there no matter who they are attached too.

They have pulled you too me wherever you have gone. 

And although they are attached to 




They are you.

I feel the universe pulling the tips of each finger like a moth to a flame 

and my heart flutters just the same. 

I call out to you 

And they do respond 

A tiny little quiver of recognition

A knowing that somewhere inside this stranger there you are too, 

listening ohh so quietly, 

Hearing me through everyone. 


Its the sound of you listening.


Poem and Video by Liz Bagish