Sometimes the situations that are the least pleasant show us who we aren't and what shines through is the truth of who we are.
My trip was so transformational, I broke open in ways I wasn't expecting, I went to some of the most historically prolific places in the world, some of the most holiest places on earth. I took transformational workshops and expanded into greater love in such powerful way.
Then I got back and my whole life fell apart along over the place. I felt like I was being turned inside out and my guts were on display for everyone to see. Within 3 days, I found out I had to move, There was fraud on my account and it was emptied, some of my friendships seemed over. It felt like the twilight zone, it was unbearable and yet at the same time the shift felt Spiritual because I had a greater knowing of my self worth and the truth of who I am. I mean after all I prayed for change maybe this was it even though it did not look that way.
So here I am my ego my thoughts my views of what life could be changing drastically again fit and prove that I am so worthy of my dreams, and as I work on actually believing that in every moment here is a poem that helped me get through it and some sketches from my 9X11” sketchbook I made during my travels
with love and gratitude,
“My Ego Dying In Your Arms”
by Liz Bagish
I thought this life was mine
My thinking was so blind
As you were doing it all the time
To help me surrender into the divine
My thoughts my will my prayers
I thought that you weren’t there
My ego couldn’t share
So you had to strip my life completely bare
When everything that’s left
Is only in your breath
You breathe a little more
And wait to see what’s there when you open that new door
It wasn’t what you thought
The lord was bringing what it brought
The shift that set sail
As my big ego took its last exhale
That shift that ohh so burns
Is my ego dying in your arms
And although it happened quick
I know my gentle heart will fly freer with each tick.
Travel Sketchbook.
Walking through the Wieliczka Salt Mine
On the way to Auschwitz
Somewhere over Greenland
The Beach Geneva
On the way to Israel
Israel, Farm in
Mount Tabor
Stockholm, Sweden
London, England