During this strange time on the planet with threats of war and fighting and all kinds of intense and painful situations going on, I find what makes it even stranger is that we are so connected via social media with everyone around the world, loved ones and peers are in our face all the time. It’s very intense for me to accept the idea we fight with these places or neighboring places that we are so close to the people in nowadays.
So in this moment as I reflect and send light to those parts of myself that aren’t at peace I’m reminded of a recent experience with some of my friends across the world, two little creative sweet souls and clients from Kuwait. I met up with them last time they were in LA. Over tea we shared about art spirituality and dating😊. The next time we met I noticed one wasn’t wearing her hijab 🧕. I asked her about it and she said it was one of the first times she had taken it off in public. She shared the deep spiritual nature of wearing one for her, how her family was progressive and accepting of her expressing herself and all of a sudden I got it, wearing it was like an extension of her and taking it off was was like taking a part of your skin exposing something deep and very vulnerable underneath. That’s how I related with it anyway. In that moment I became so grateful to be able to experience this with her, a moment of freedom, experimentation and courage in a way that was something so new and different than I’d ever seen. I could appreciate in such a deep way the visceral feeling of being completely exposed and the courage to do it. This is how it reflected inside of me, like I got to experience it with her and even though it felt maybe small to her I got too watch the unveiling of another souls expression in front of me reflecting to me a part of myself doing the same thing. It’s these moments of connection with something so unique that bring us together and into the oneness and knowing of ourselves in powerful ways.
In what ways have you exposed a new part of yourself you weren’t sure about showing but tried it anyway?
Seeing things through spiritual eyes makes everything look more magical, gives everything new meaning. Everything becomes multi-dimensional and the deeper spiritual energy of every experience, person and place comes through. This world becomes a deeply mystical place as you come into the awareness it’s all a reflection of you in your awakening into the beauty of yourself.
Seeing Life Through Spiritual Eyes, digital photography