"Letters Home" Letter # 3, Acceptance
WOW this one took me a long time to complete. I was feeling a lot of resistance to putting it out and nothing I had to say felt quite right. I felt completely insecure about the art itself but I embraced that feeling and kept going.
During this time I had a dream
In it two of my friends turned to me and said,
Celebrate the pain. Throw a party for it!
I started to imagine what a party would be like where everyone came as their deepest pain and struggle, boredom, anger, sadness and unworthiness would all be there. Just imagine them dancing together, it created a pretty funny image and it helped me to be patient with my own process.
So I welcome you to email me, message me, share your experience or pain with me, how it shows up, what it looks like.
Maybe we can find a way to bow down and thank it for the blessings it could be bringing you.
More about my coaching
Letter # 3,
10” X 8”, mixed media on canvas.
Dear Home,
In my house every memory is me
Every room is a piece of my body
In my house every dog has a memory
of me
If I could look at my house through the eyes of everyone else
they would all be you
Bear would have endless love and appreciation
Honey would sit peacefully
Dad would not understand how to communicate with me
Mom would be blinded a lot by her own struggles
The couch would look away
The birds would curiously look through the windows
The window panes would beckon me to climb through them
Every crack in the wall would be gossiping to itself about the people it's seen
Every mirror would wait to reflect back ones insecurities
and tell them sly little things
The backyard would be a casting ground for play
And the sun would send messages through it's heat
And I would know I was only love
And this universe around me was made up of just one big question
Can you accept and love it all?
And I scream through my resistance Yes
And it's gone
One moment
One question
Swept away
An entire lifetime,
The power of acceptance.
I love you